Illuminati quest

VRIL Women

VRIL  Women
Vril power via Sexual means

Phillip Howerd lovecraft

Phillip  Howerd  lovecraft
A Master at Manifesting the Unseen


Wednesday, 15 July 2009

UFOS/Aliens at large

It is without doubt a more controversial subject than any other. And although I accept the Skeptics as rational human beings I do not accept their "reasoning" capabilitys. I for one have encountered numerous "Craft" and other Geometric-intruders. I for one have always spoken calmly with full reassurance that my Encounters were just that, an actual reality. The dis-believers amongst us are those humans whom are "afraid" and cannot accept the possibility that Other-Souls are indeed out there and " inside worlds " within the spacetime matrix. (that is Dimensional-worlds). I certainly do not live or crave for materialistic avenues, nor do I listen to religeous brainwashing. I have always been available for any scientific scrutiny to prove the validity of my encounters, and as for the MIBS and Governmental covert groups lets just say," I am not interested in their clandestine UFO involvement and they had better keep their operations out of my territory! My first encounter was in may 1983 with a pyramidical-shaped craft in little-paxton cambs. The second was in sept 1983 with a "Cage-shaped-object" in a field on the A47 between wisbech and kings lynn norfolk. A third was on 18th dec 1992 and I watched/observed a large oval-shaped craft, on the edge of a housing estate kings lynn. I have sent full particulars of size/colour/weather/duration of these sightings/close-encounters to numerous UFO agencys including Mufon. I challenge any scientist /proff/governmental-stooge to change those events in my lifetime! I personally was not at antime afraid of my encounters and of course have experienced other supernatural events over the course of my involvement with Occult issues. I would end this little talk by saying," There are many Universes as there are many "Trees of Knowledge", all radiant and existing in an Abyssmal-garden. There are many Aliens/Denizens/Entitys within each "Tree" (Universe) and it is our "Divine right to communicate with such beings if we wish to do so". It is not the right of governmental-figures/bodies to "Deter-us" from that goal!