Thursday, 10 December 2009
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Saturday, 10 October 2009
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Monday, 5 October 2009
Dreams or Altered states of Being?
I for one have through these many years , experienced countless dreams/states whereas I was not on this earthly sphere. i have encountered an entity which one might refer to as a Egyptian-jackal or indeed Anubis himself! I have conversed with Merlin in telepathic voice, conversed with Lemurians and travelled in a number of UFOS. Such encounters/dream-states have helped me write Novels both on Alien-craft and Occult themes. one might also say that I can channel certain forces/knowledge through my gates at certain times. Gates you say, well surely you know there are 18 in total, nine of our physical-world and nine-reflective of the unknown spiritual. Nine of time two, the external density and nine of time one, the internal temple of truth. Life to me has never been easy!! Living in your perceived reality and living in my real reality! God exists but his form his being is countless Aeons away from where you would imagine. There is a great number of Uni-verses, and as such each universe is a tree-of-knowledge. One must start at the bottom rung of the ladder to rise slowly to the godhead, there is no quick route to the highest! The Abbysmal garden has a guardian, a spider-queen whom can travel time/space with immunity. She the spider queen of space has her own garden to attend/ For she whom spins the webs of space, is not of the aeons making! for when she returns to repair a past. She disperses a New-awakening! In this abbysmal garden there resides many silver-webs, webs which hold cocooned a large number of Fallen magi. those whom have travelled across the abyss through sexual-mind-practices. They will remain until the spider-queen feels it is time to release them back to the lowest Tree (universe) their souls once again traversing upward through the many trees of knowledge! So too in these living swaying webs are the “shells”, the horror which forms around mans unclean thoughts and clings to his living brain like vampires! They the shells sometimes pierce the cocoons and drain them of spiritual-thought. I have written a long treatise upon this “otherworld” in my second novel. Dreams are reflections of knowledge “gathered” within the Flame-within, that which you call Soul. The Soul is made up of certain Rays, which in turn are different in colour/vibration. Rays which flow throughout all Universes and also “through” all that is Creation. They hold the Positive and Negative currents of Life. And they are “fed” through your nine channels via Ingestion/Emotion/Actions! A Vampire can be said to possess only Negative Rays, A Vampires Glands however are extremely useful in giving unnatural abilitys to his Body. The Vampires Flame is extremely volatile and burns any spiritual essence in the blood! Enough said!
An encounter with something Demonic
I was as I recall 28 at the time of this Enlightening experience, one I would never forget. I was both in love and in lust with a London female witch named Lynn. she was a grey-witch and so she kind of hovered between the dark and light worlds of Magic. We had been seeing each other for a couple of months and she had warned me that “there was something unknown within her Soul”. i as an Occultist found this more intriguing rather than frightening, and i have always been a one to bring about a “happening”! I am a catalyst most of the time, if there is anything there I will arouse it! Anyway about 0900am one early morning, immediately after a spot of lovemaking the following phenomena occurred. She, Lynn was lying naked on top of me, trying to get me to read my tarot cards (morgan greer deck) When suddenly her eyes began to revolve! I saw not beautiful ocean-blue eyes but red-coal like eyes now confronting me. At the same time a grotesque powerful speech said/ “ I want your Soul”/ in dark male like tones. She then pressed her lips to mine and immediately I felt a Elognated tongue deep in the back of my throat cavity, which slowly wrapped itself with great intensity around my tongues supportive roots. Yes, I was fearful of death and was also choking. I called upon god and via telepathic speech said to this monstrous entity that I was too strong and it would not govern me. What seemed like eternity and near death suddenly escaped me. I felt this demonic-elognated-tongue recoil and watched the eyes revolve back to their normal state. She Lynn fell against my right arm crying, she could not speak for sometime, she could only whisper sorry. Two weeks later our strong sexual relationship was extinguished, she seemed suddenly bitter towards me and hatred stirred within her. Obviously the thing/entity used her against me, it had lost its hold over me. And for those skeptics amongst you, I have never nor will take any form of drug. This was a real Encounter which will live on in this world and beyond!!!
Third encounter with a UFO
Sometime in may 1983, weather fine, cloudless and warm. I was visiting a friend whom lived in Gt Barford Nr Bedford,. We had decided to visit the market at St Neots, travelling along the A10. the time was about 0845 and I had just entered the small village of Little Paxton. Cambs. My friend kevin was sitting beside me, his wife and companion some miles behind in another car. We were approaching a set of traffic-lights when I spied a colourful balloon, at least that was my first impression! The lights were on red and so I stopped and applied the handbrake . The coloured object was then only fifty feet away. Kev said to me “you know what that is”, and I replied UFO. We both got out of the car as did the occupants of cars behind us. The “pyramid shaped-object” stopped exactly opposite us, some ten feet above a chimney-pot. This is what I observed for about four-minutes/ The object was four-feet in dimensions, from the apex to the four base sides I clearly saw four strobic type light tubes, emitting a bright blue corona. In the centre partially hazed by a green unified mist, a orange pulsating-sphere. i watched this craft do acrobats with ease in the space about it, noticeably right-angles. then without sound it arose about ten-feet and suddenly with great speed disappeared from eye-view towards the south west. Me and kevin returned to our car seats and did not speak all the way to St Neots. On arrival at the market place Kevin darted into the gents and was violently sick, I myself felt reasonable but “not exactly in this world”. The rest of the day progressed without mention of the encounter and when we returned to Gt Barford we switched on the local radio news/ Two fighter jets had been scrambled from Raf Mildenhall in suffolk to reconassaince the “ two ufos “ seen on radar. One pilot estimated the speed by saying the UFO was doing 1800ml p/hr bank-turns!
My second encounter with a UFO
The month was september the day not memorised, but the event/encounter forever a part of my lifes continual Initiatory course. Sept 1983, time 2045. weather clear sky showing absence of stars. I was on a routine delivery/collection job for royal-mail. driving a large heavily-protected security van. at around 2035 I noticed a very bright object sitting in a farmers field some miles away to the right of the roadway. The A47 was normally busy this time of night and I had just gone through a village called Wisbech. as i came closer to this object my eyes began to blur because of the intensity of lights around it. I slowed my post-office van down to a stop and switched off the engine. Across the road from me about 20ft away was a Cage-shaped object, flashing colours of Red/green/blue. I kicked a door security opener and slid the heavy door aside. All the while I noticed the “odd” awareness of No traffic and No sound whatsoever. This encounter like the other two reminding me of a static-time Field, as though Time itself had been “displaced”. I walked over to the fence and viewed this Alien? object for approx five-minutes. By this time standing only fifteen feet away. The dimensions were about eight by eight feet. To all intents and purposes it appeared consistent with the geometric shape of a cage. but without any bottom or top. There were eight-bars around each of the four sides, which in turn pulsated the colours of Red/green/blue. The intensity of light blurred my eyes considerably but after some rubbing I watched again. there was no audible sound. As I approached further the object then rose to about forty-feet and then “disappeared” . Vanished into perhaps a Time-portal or Dimension. I then returned to my van, started her up and drove off. Oddly though for perhaps five-miles I felt the presence of “something” sitting to the left of me. I saw nothing but the feeling was immensely strong. After a while all resumed to normal.!? It is my hunch/instinct that perhaps this was either an “Time-box” or “indeed” an unknown alien-form.
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
One of my Encounters with a UFO
On 18th december 1992, at 2345hrs, weather clear bright. cold but not icy. Whilst driving a Pizza-delivery van down a serpentine like road through a fairly large housing estate, noticed about quarter a mile away the following// Large silver-star (four pointed), size far too large for some ordinary celestial object. Slowed van down to a stop and switched off engine to discerne any audible sound. ( something one automatically does when a Ufologist) I then observed this Star? Suddenly "extinguish" . dissapear " not unlike a house light bulb switching off then darkness. I was "psyched-up" at that moment but not scared. I then wound down my drivers window and waited for any further devlopments if any. I was soon awarded, within perhaps two-mins an Oval-craft appeared slowly traversing the night sky. it was now approx eighty-feet above me and the following was clearly observed// About forty feet in length and from the base to the dome shaped aperture about ten feet. The speed was less than five miles p/hr. Its colour reminding one of a piece of metal as it has just been removed from a forge or furnace, Rusty-red. After a while lights or more precisely exhaust-ports were switched on, rotating clockwise from an underview observance. And immediately they came on an "Portal or Gate" into spacetime was achieved/opened, probably from the unknown-energy released from this crafts ports. I watched this alien-craft then dissapear/exiting into another time-shift Dimension. After much thought on this matter I assume the star I at first saw was indeed a Portal which this craft was "coming through", the starlike observation the fragmentation of time and space. I shall write upon my other two encounters shortly.
1954 Caldbeck UFO Crash?
There appears to be limited info on this particular incident, accept the attached theories that Marilyn Monroes death and a prominent US Paper journalists death were somehow connected to this event. There have been postulated many pro-ideas that Marilyn commited suicide. Such is ridicolous when the up and coming star was nearing the peak of her career, more she was "bumped-off" as are so many people whom come to close to secretive UFO Material ! If anypone can contact me and give any info on the Caldbeck event I would be most grateful. Like other related UFO visitations (rendlesham-forest) (rozwell) there is too much dis-information out there. As an Occultist for 37yrs i care nothing for the so called MIBS, or USA/British Covert groups whom try to "quieten" contactees or close-encounter individuals. Such as the late Anthony Dodds (UFO Magazine) Strange how some closeted clowns frightened one of my UFO group members in 1992. Strange how two Humans visited my mother late one night, dressed in black skintight biker gear and black helmeted visors. They were looking for me but I had moved some 60mls away to take a job1 My Mother was alarmed and observed them leaving on a pristine black motorbike. However I have yet to be threatened personally, as I detect the secret UFO governmental groups fear a backlash from me and close occult friends should they antagonise me! So, Anyone whom knows a little on the above incident please contact me, my web address is/
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
UFOS/Aliens at large
Monday, 2 February 2009
as moonbeams shine their light,
A stillness never heard before,
plays soft and drowns the night.
Shadows move amongst the walls,
in darkness there is light.
Reflecting forms I cannot see,
strange beings haunt my sight.
The window sill with painted rust
the spider with its prey,
Listen, can you hear the sound?
Its Web begins to play.